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Building healthy lives free from dependence on alcohol and other drugs, and promoting healthy families.

Baxter's Blogs 1-11


Ya’ll may not know this, but I haven’t always been at Clay Crossing. When I was a young guy, I found myself in a very difficult situation, one I could not have imagined growing up. The choice was to live on the street or seek help from some caring folks at a shelter. The shelter was ok, I guess, at least I had food, water and a warm bed. But I was kept in a cage by myself. It got lonely. I was scared. I would see people come and go and look at the other dogs and take one home, but not me. I guess nobody saw any worth in me. And that made me feel, well, worthless and like I had no purpose in life. I mean everyone wants to feel needed and like they have a purpose in life right?

Then one day, somebody came in from Clay Crossing. I must have been looking really handsome that day cause the guy told the shelter he wanted me! I was still scared but deep down I started feeling an excitement that maybe my life was about to change for the better. When we arrived at Clay Crossing I just stood there taking it all in. This is a cool place was my first thought. A ranch with lots of room to run and play! No more cage! And people! But wait, some of these people reminded me of…………me. Like they didn’t know their worth or that their life had purpose.

I don’t mean to brag, but I kinda have this 6th sense about people. I seem to know when they are struggling inside. And then it hit me – I can help them feel better! I DO have a purpose and I am NOT worthless! The first time I laid my head on someone’s lap and offered my paw, I felt some of the tension leave them. And the snacks – oh could I tell you about the snacks!

What I’m trying to say in my own doggy way is that everyone has a purpose and worth in life. Sometimes, you need someone to help you. I did and my life is so good now. If you know someone that needs help, come see me and I’ll introduce you to my buddies on staff at Clay Crossing, they really care.



Hey there humans! It’s “The Baxter” again:

Holy dog bones it’s been busy! Remember in my first blog post where I said I have this sixth sense? Well let me tell you, it has worked overtime with all the new guys we’ve had coming in this week! Nothing makes my tail wag more than meeting a new human. Well except for a cookie maybe. I’m just a meet-n-greet kinda guy!

I know what ya’ll are thinking. You’re thinking “gee Baxter with all these new guys, when do you have time to take a nap?” Well I’ll tell you. I go to their counseling sessions and nap. I go to their lectures and nap. I go to compline and nap. I go to lunch and nap. No that’s a fib. I’m always alert at lunch. Never know when a good treat might come my way! Napping is all about timing. Just like group sessions, lecture time and individual counseling. I have it down to an art.

I’m going to make this short because I have a bunch of other new guys to get to know and see who I can help. And besides, it’s dinner time! I hear we’re having roast!

Over the coming days, I’m going to introduce you to some of my other friends here at the ranch. My four-legged friends who also help in the recovery of our guys. They are Baxter approved good guys! Lots going on here! Good stuff! Think about me, keep me and my work in your prayers!



Hi everyone it’s me again, The Baxter! In my last blog post I mentioned that I was going to start introducing some of my four-legged friends. So without further ado, I want you to meet my friend Petunia! She’s so beautiful. Well as beautiful as a pig can be I guess. But she’s beautiful to me. She doesn’t have The Baxter’s sixth sense, but that’s okay. She’s still a pretty special gal. She loves the weekends when the guys’ families come to visit. They pet herand feed her junk, which is probably why she and I get along so well. We are both connoisseurs of junk food. In the summertime, the guys will bathe her and she really loves that. I don’t really get it though cause as soon as they are done she goes and rolls in the mud. Go figure.

As I mentioned, Petunia doesn’t have my sixth sense. But I’ve seen guys that couldn’t seem to find a smile, light up when they see her. The best sound is one of them laughing out loud while watching her roll around and snort. That makes my heart feel so good. So even though she doesn’t have the sixth sense like me, she still has a special way about her. The guys love her and so do I.

I have to say goodbye now. We have a couple of guys transitioning out today and I don’t want to miss them! I hope you enjoyed meeting Petunia!

Love and prayers,



Well folks today is gonna be a great day! All the ladies came into work giving me kisses and telling me Happy Valentine’s Day! Now I’m not real sure what this Valentine’s Day thing is all about, but I’ll take it! Listening to the ladies talk, it’s got something to do with flowers, candy and love. Now one thing The Baxter knows about for sure is candy and that flowers make me sneeze. But love – well love is something I learn more about every day. When I cameto the shelter I had never experienced love. I had no clue what it was or what I was missing. But that changed once I came to Clay Crossing. So I’m gonna tell you my take on love for this Valentine’s Day.

Love to me is sitting in on a therapy session and having a client sit next to me with his arm around me while he breaks down about his past. Love is a belly rub while another client cries when his family visits. Love is watching guys of all ages and backgrounds form a “brotherhood”. Love is when I see a new client come in and the ones that have been there awhile take him under their wings. And love is seeing my staff family cry as they hug and wish a client well when he transitions out of the program.

See to me, love is in many forms. Sure hugs and kisses are a great way to show love but there is so much more to it. It’s being there and supporting the ones who have disappointed you. It’s understanding that people make mistakes and allowing them to do what they need to do to fix them. It’s sticking with someone through not just the good times, but the bad ones too. To me, The Baxter, the meaning of love is simple. To love is to FEEL.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Happy Valentine’s Day from The Baxter!


Hello everyone! The Baxter is back! I’ve been lying low this past week with all the rain and ice we’ve had. I stayed warm and dry but I sure am looking forward to Spring! While I was lying low, I had a lot of time to ponder on things, like, why doesn’t McDonald’s sell hot dogs? Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? Why does it take 15 minutes to cook minute rice? I also pondered on things that make me happy such as rolling in the grass on a sunny day or meeting new clients.

One of my most favorite things to do is waiting by the chapel every morning for the guys to come and start their day off with a positive thought and short devotional. Every single one will pat and rub my head before entering and again when they leave – saying “Good morning Baxter. How’s it going Baxter.” It makes me so happy to start the day off like that.

I think everybody should start their day with a positive thought. It makes the soul feel right with the world. I like to say “I’m grateful I woke up and I hope we’re having sausage for breakfast.” This is what works for me, but everyone should find their own mantra that fits their needs – just like our guys do. I think it does a body good to refresh its spirituality every now and then. Reinforce your belief in whatever speaks to you the most. For me, it’s reconnecting with God now and then. Sometimes I’ll sleep outside the chapel underneath the cross with its light shining down on me. I know it’s HIS love shining down on me and I feel at peace, yet rejuvenated. I see some of the guys enter the chapel with their heads down and shuffling their feet, yet they come out with head held high, smiles on their faces and quick steps. You can see the rejuvenation in their souls! It’s like watching “Extreme Makeovers!”

I gotta run for now. So many clients to sit and visit with. Oh and by the way – we DID have sausage for breakfast!

Hugs and kisses,


Hi humans! Boy is The Baxter happy today! The sun is out, I’ve had a bath and the ranch is overflowing with inspiring people! I can’t explain how happy my heart feels to see someone accomplish their goals. This past week we had five who did just that! While I miss them terribly, I’m so filled with joy for them. I even did a happy dance in their honor!

So……The Baxter thinks it would be neat to see what it is that makes your heart happy. It can be just one word if you like. You can just put it as a comment below and then I’ll have something to read – which will make me happy!

Most of the guys that come here are not happy at all. They are scared, nervous, anxious, angry, and depressed. They have experienced traumas that most of us have never dreamed of. When one comes in I try to be there to greet them. I get my tail going in circles and flash them my famous smile. Okay maybe not famous, but close. And that’s when it slowly begins - a tentative hand on my head, a few pats, and then a hug. And therapy has begun.

I wish I could talk because I would say to every new guy that came in what my mama said to me. “You know in your heart what is right and what is wrong. Do the right thing and your heart will be happy.” I love happy and I love happy people!
It’s time for a little nap now! Don’t forget to comment on something that makes your heart happy!

Hugs and kisses,


Howdy Ho! Spring is almost here! Things are starting to get green, leaves are sprouting, flowers and trees are budding, and The Baxter is feeling good! We’ve had some more guys transition out and new ones coming in this past week. The guys probably wouldn’t like my analogy, but to me they are like Spring flowers. They come in looking wilted and droopy but when they leave they are healthy and in full bloom. They form friendships that blossom until by the time they leave, most have made friends that will last a lifetime. (Can ya tell I have Spring fever?!)

The guys have started a garden and so far have planted onions, potatoes and lettuce. They are going to plant more stuff, but I’m waiting on the tomatoes! I love fresh garden tomatoes! I really love it when they water the garden cause I’m a water dog ya know. I like to bite at it and run through it. It makes the guys laugh and as we know, that makes me happy!

Another reason I love Spring is cause I can play with the guys more. Like when they play golf I’ll chase the ball and pick it up for them. I’m really helpful that way. And when they ride the horses I get to go along too! I usually have to stop and swim in the pond though. Have I mentioned I’m a water dog?! And then I’ll lay out in the sun tanning for a while. Then at night, the guys will build a bonfire and sit around and talk. I really love that time. They call it serenity. I agree.

Well I'm being loved on so gotta go!




HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! Wow what a fabulous day we had yesterday at the ranch! We did our Easter on Saturday cause the weather is supposed to not be so great today. The Baxter had a blast! I just love watching kids running and laughing. It fills my whole body up with happy! It was so cute watching them try to find eggs the guys had hidden. One of the guys even dressed up like the Easter bunny and boy were the kids excited about that! I didn’t get as excited over that as the kids did though. I mean to a dog a giant bunny is a little intimidating. But with all the hugs and kisses and candy the kids gave me, it was a great day.

The families really enjoyed the day too. There was so much laughter, great food and lots of visiting. There is just nothing better than seeing families connecting. My friend Petunia got lots of treats too. She was one happy pig! The horses also got treats and lots of petting. My friends enjoyed the day as much as the families did. The Baxter says it was a GREAT DAY FOR RECOVERY!!!

Oh yes, you’re probably wondering why I have an egg on my nose. Well when the guys were hiding eggs one of them put one on my nose. I waited so patiently for a little one to find it. But now they are gone and I’m really not sure how long I’m supposed to sit here with this egg on my nose!!!

Wishing everyone a very happy and blessed Easter!!

The Baxter

Baxter’s Blog #9

Hi everyone! Remember me?! Yep it’s The Baxter! I’ve been so busy this last month I haven’t had much time for blogging. Sorry about that. Can ya believe it’s already May?! That means time for lots of fishing, horseback riding, hiking, and fun games in the yard!

April was fun too. We went to Sulfur and had a BBQ with some hiking and throwing our troubles in the river. We also had a very nice lady come in who showed us how to do some yoga positions to help relieve stress and anxiety and to help improve mental clarity. I loved that class! I stretched with the guys and did the Downward Facing Dog better than they did! (I do kinda have an advantage on that one) In fact I did so well stretching that I fell asleep and missed most of the poses. Oh well. Next time I’ll hang in there!

There are a lot of new faces around here and I have made some really great friends. I’m always sad to see any of my guys leave, but it makes me feel good that they are ready to face their new lives drug and alcohol free! Woof! Woof! I just know this month will be as good as last month! I have already spotted some guys getting the horses ready. Oh boy! Oh boy! Trail ride a comin’! I’ve got to go for now!

Oh I almost forgot. You guys know the saying “April showers bring May flowers?” I can’t wait to sit by a flower bush and wait for the flowers to bloom! You ought to try it!

Many hugs,
The Baxter

Baxter’s Blog #10

Hi everyone! I sure hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Memorial Day! I sure do like holiday weekends when the families come to visit. They always bring the best goodies! It’s always a lot of fun playing with the kiddos even though I’m pretty tired afterwards. I’m not the spring chicken I used to be!

Speaking of spring chickens, I don’t think you’ve met another of my friends at the ranch. His name is Bruce. Now Bruce ain’t real pretty, but what he lacks for in looks he makes up for in confidence. You’ll see him struttin’ all around the ranch like he’s the top guy on the totem pole. The guys all like him cause he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and he’s so…………well ugly. What’s that saying? Oh yeah, “only a face a mama could love” ha ha! But really Bruce is a good ole bird.

As you know, it’s gotten HOT! The Baxter doesn’t do hot real well. Unless I have water I can get into. So the guys brought out the swimming pool. I was so excited thinking how great that water was gonna feel! I came charging around the corner all prepared to do a swan dive into it. And what do I see? Petunia. In my pool. Having herself a good ole time. Well that’s okay. “Tunia” and I are great friends. We’ll just share. Wrong. Have ya ever tried to share a swimming pool with a pot-bellied pig? It just don’t work. Tunia kept sitting on the sides letting all the water out. Even ole Bruce looked disgusted. After the guys refilled the pool three times, I gave up. I let Tunia have the pool and I headed to the pond.

Stay cool everybody!

Many hugs,
The Baxter

Baxter’s Blog 11
Well howdy humans! It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged but here I am! So many things happening at the Ranch. We’ve been saying hello to new clients and goodbye to old ones. We’ve had some staff changes and the guys are always busy in their free time making things out of wood, beads and leather. We made it through the ghosts and goblins and are now looking forward to our Thanksgiving! I especially like this time of year – so many snacks!

For those of you not familiar with Oklahoma’s “bedlam”, tomorrow is the big football game between Oklahoma’s two rival Universities – OU and OSU. The guys have been calling me “Bedlam Baxter” all day. I’m not really sure why, but with all the attention I’m getting I’ll be Bedlam Baxter for as long as they want!

I remember last years game. There was so much yelling and shouting and jumping up and down! I got so excited that my tail knocked the snacks off the table onto the floor. The guys kinda complained but they tasted fine to me!
The fun part about the bedlam game is watching the guys all come together in one room and enjoy each other’s company. It doesn’t matter if they are rooting for opposite teams. There is so much laughter and comradery. And snacks. Lots and lots of snacks!

Whether you watch the game or not, I hope everyone has a warm and happy weekend!

The Baxter

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